Almost everybody that's well-known gets tagged with a nickname. - Alan Alda
Alan Alda Quotes
Kylie Minogue Quotes
I just want to do everything. I don't want to sound soppy or too cliched, but that's the way it is. - Kylie Minogue
Alan Alda Quotes
If I can't get the girl, at least give me more money. - Alan Alda
Kylie Minogue Quotes
I do quite naughty things now. I do like to be a bit sexy. - Kylie Minogue
Terry Pratchett Quotes
Only in our dreams are we free. The rest of the time we need wages. - Terry Pratchett
Kylie Minogue Quotes
I've fancied other women, but I haven't done anything about it. - Kylie Minogue
Theodore Roosevelt Quotes
Freedom from effort in the present merely means that there has been effort stored up in the past. - Theodore Roosevelt
Wayne Dyer Quotes
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. - Wayne Dyer
David Walliams Quotes
I would recommend that anyone who wants to do comedy on TV to do radio first. - David Walliams
Ayn Rand Quotes
Do not ever say that the desire to "do good" by force is a good motive. Neither power-lust nor stupidity are good motives. - Ayn Rand
Helen Keller Quotes
Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold. - Helen Keller
Alexandre Dumas Quotes
All for one, one for all, that is our device. - Alexandre Dumas
Alan Alda Quotes
Be fair with others, but then keep after them until they're fair with you. - Alan Alda
Woodrow Wilson Quotes
Caution is the confidential agent of selfishness. - Woodrow Wilson
Thomas Hardy Quotes
Give the enemy not only a road for flight, but also a means of defending it. - Thomas Hardy
Theodore Roosevelt Quotes
A vote is like a rifle; its usefulness depends upon the character of the user. - Theodore Roosevelt
Chevy Chase Quotes
I was always the guy getting kicked out of my classes at school for having an attitude problem. - Chevy Chase
Ernest Hemingway Quotes
All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn. - Ernest Hemingway
Noel Coward Quotes
My body has certainly wandered a good deal, but I have an uneasy suspicion that my mind has not wandered enough. - Noel Coward
Harry S. Truman Quotes
A President needs political understanding to run the government, but he may be elected without it. - Harry S. Truman
Kylie Minogue Quotes
I think I'm being friendly with someone and I'll sit in their lap. They think I'm flirting with them. - Kylie Minogue
Ernest Hemingway Quotes
But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated. - Ernest Hemingway
Henry Ford Quotes
A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business. - Henry Ford
David Walliams Quotes
I have always liked shows that have laughter in them. - David Walliams
Thomas Hardy Quotes
Do not do an immoral thing for moral reasons. - Thomas Hardy
Terry Pratchett Quotes
The truth may be out there, but lies are inside your head. - Terry Pratchett
Alexandre Dumas Quotes
I prefer rogues to imbeciles, because they sometimes take a rest. - Alexandre Dumas
Helen Keller Quotes
Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it. - Helen Keller
Henry Ford Quotes
Any colour - so long as it's black. - Henry Ford
Terry Pratchett Quotes
Taxation is just a sophisticated way of demanding money with menaces. - Terry Pratchett
Ernest Hemingway Quotes
Courage is grace under pressure. - Ernest Hemingway
Woodrow Wilson Quotes
Golf is a game in which one endeavors to control a ball with implements ill adapted for the purpose. - Woodrow Wilson
Chevy Chase Quotes
All my children inherited perfect pitch. - Chevy Chase
William James Quotes
An idea, to be suggestive, must come to the individual with the force of revelation. - William James
Henry Ford Quotes
A market is never saturated with a good product, but it is very quickly saturated with a bad one. - Henry Ford
Noel Coward Quotes
I've sometimes thought of marrying - and then I've thought again. - Noel Coward
Booker T. Washington Quotes
If you can't read, it's going to be hard to realize dreams. - Booker T. Washington
Sophocles Quotes
Best to live lightly, unthinkingly. - Sophocles
Chevy Chase Quotes
I watched every single Charlie Chaplin film. - Chevy Chase
Moliere Quotes
Ah! how annoying that the law doesn't allow a woman to change husbands just as one does shirts. - Moliere
Xun Zi Quotes
If the impulse to daring and bravery is too fierce and violent, stay it with guidance and instruction. - Xun Zi
Noel Coward Quotes
I'll go through life either first class or third, but never in second. - Noel Coward
Moliere Quotes
A learned fool is more a fool than an ignorant fool. - Moliere
Thomas Hardy Quotes
Dialect words are those terrible marks of the beast to the truly genteel. - Thomas Hardy
Kylie Minogue Quotes
I'm not sure that I'll be able to do everything that I did before. - Kylie Minogue
Ayn Rand Quotes
Achieving life is not the equivalent of avoiding death. - Ayn Rand
Wayne Dyer Quotes
Anything you really want, you can attain, if you really go after it. - Wayne Dyer
Chevy Chase Quotes
If you're in the White House, it's your house, and you can invite whatever friend you want. - Chevy Chase
Thomas Hardy Quotes
Fear is the mother of foresight. - Thomas Hardy
Sophocles Quotes
A wise doctor does not mutter incantations over a sore that needs the knife. - Sophocles
Terry Pratchett Quotes
Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
Emo Philips Quotes
I was sleeping the other night, alone, thanks to the exterminator. - Emo Philips
Woodrow Wilson Quotes
As compared with the college politician, the real article seems like an amateur. - Woodrow Wilson
Henry Ford Quotes
History is more or less bunk. - Henry Ford
Wayne Dyer Quotes
Everything is perfect in the universe - even your desire to improve it. - Wayne Dyer
Sophocles Quotes
A short saying often contains much wisdom. - Sophocles
Moliere Quotes
Esteem must be founded on preference: to hold everyone in high esteem is to esteem nothing. - Moliere
Chevy Chase Quotes
I just went into this business for laughs. I guess I don't mind being an actor so much now. - Chevy Chase
Helen Keller Quotes
Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. - Helen Keller
Woodrow Wilson Quotes
Democracy is not so much a form of government as a set of principles. - Woodrow Wilson
Chevy Chase Quotes
Most of the films I've done were ruined in the post production, not during filming. - Chevy Chase
Harry S. Truman Quotes
A President cannot always be popular. - Harry S. Truman
Thomas Hardy Quotes
I am the family face; flesh perishes, I live on. - Thomas Hardy
Andy Warhol Quotes
An artist is somebody who produces things that people don't need to have. - Andy Warhol
Noel Coward Quotes
Never mind, dear, we're all made the same, though some more than others. - Noel Coward
Sophocles Quotes
All a man's affairs become diseased when he wishes to cure evils by evils. - Sophocles
Emo Philips Quotes
A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing. - Emo Philips
Moliere Quotes
I feed on good soup, not beautiful language. - Moliere
Andy Warhol Quotes
During the 1960s, I think, people forgot what emotions were supposed to be. And I don't think they've ever remembered. - Andy Warhol
Ernest Hemingway Quotes
Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut. - Ernest Hemingway
Theodore Roosevelt Quotes
Every reform movement has a lunatic fringe. - Theodore Roosevelt
Harry S. Truman Quotes
A bureaucrat is a Democrat who holds some office that a Republican wants. - Harry S. Truman
Wayne Dyer Quotes
Begin to see yourself as a soul with a body rather than a body with a soul. - Wayne Dyer
Sophocles Quotes
A state is not a state if it belongs to one man. - Sophocles
Robert Plant Quotes
I think I could sing and shear a few sheep at the same time. - Robert Plant
Thomas Hardy Quotes
If way to the better there be, it exacts a full look at the worst. - Thomas Hardy
Helen Keller Quotes
As the eagle was killed by the arrow winged with his own feather, so the hand of the world is wounded by its own skill. - Helen Keller
Terry Pratchett Quotes
Sooner or later we're all someone's dog. - Terry Pratchett
Booker T. Washington Quotes
There are two ways of exerting one's strength: one is pushing down, the other is pulling up. - Booker T. Washington
Noel Coward Quotes
Someday I suspect, when Jesus has definitely got me for a sunbeam, my works may be adequately assessed. - Noel Coward
Henry Ford Quotes
Before everything else, getting ready is the secret of success. - Henry Ford
Andy Warhol Quotes
Don't pay any attention to what they write about you. Just measure it in inches. - Andy Warhol
Woodrow Wilson Quotes
America is not anything if it consists of each of us. It is something only if it consists of all of us. - Woodrow Wilson
Kylie Minogue Quotes
I used to be able to do the Chinese splits, where you open your legs sideways. - Kylie Minogue
Wayne Dyer Quotes
Doing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life. - Wayne Dyer
Zhuangzi Quotes
I know the joy of fishes in the river through my own joy, as I go walking along the same river. - Zhuangzi
Alan Alda Quotes
It's too bad I'm not as wonderful a person as people say I am, because the world could use a few people like that. - Alan Alda
Helen Keller Quotes
As selfishness and complaint pervert the mind, so love with its joy clears and sharpens the vision. - Helen Keller
Kylie Minogue Quotes
I've always been a little shy about taking my clothes off, but I don't worry about it any more. - Kylie Minogue
Alan Alda Quotes
I wouldn't live in California. All that sun makes you sterile. - Alan Alda
Harry S. Truman Quotes
A politician is a man who understands government. A statesman is a politician who's been dead for 15 years. - Harry S. Truman
Eleanor Roosevelt Quotes
Have convictions. Be friendly. Stick to your beliefs as they stick to theirs. Work as hard as they do. - Eleanor Roosevelt
J.R.R. Tolkien Quotes
It's the job that's never started takes longest to finish. - J.R.R. Tolkien
Malcolm X Quotes
Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery. - Malcolm X
Marcus Tullius Cicero Quotes
Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error. - Marcus Tullius Cicero
Florence Nightingale Quotes
Women have no sympathy and my experience of women is almost as large as Europe. - Florence Nightingale
Richard Burton Quotes
This diamond has so many carats it's almost a turnip. - Richard Burton
Brian Tracy Quotes
Goals allow you to control the direction of change in your favor. - Brian Tracy
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Quotes
Ambition is so powerful a passion in the human breast, that however high we reach we are never satisfied. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Malcolm X Quotes
I don't even call it violence when it's in self defense; I call it intelligence. - Malcolm X
Mae West Quotes
Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before. - Mae West
Elizabeth Taylor Quotes
I've been through it all, baby, I'm mother courage. - Elizabeth Taylor
Frank Zappa Quotes
The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced. - Frank Zappa
Mae West Quotes
A man can be short and dumpy and getting bald but if he has fire, women will like him. - Mae West
Albert Camus Quotes
A free press can, of course, be good or bad, but, most certainly without freedom, the press will never be anything but bad. - Albert Camus
Paul Newman Quotes
If you don't have enemies, you don't have character. - Paul Newman
Dr. Seuss Quotes
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. - Dr. Seuss
Elizabeth Taylor Quotes
I don't pretend to be an ordinary housewife. - Elizabeth Taylor
Malcolm X Quotes
A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything. - Malcolm X
Havelock Ellis Quotes
In philosophy, it is not the attainment of the goal that matters, it is the things that are met along the way. - Havelock Ellis
Martin Luther Quotes
I am more afraid of my own heart than of the pope and all his cardinals. I have within me the great pope, Self. - Martin Luther
Frank Zappa Quotes
If you want to get laid, go to college. If you want an education, go to the library. - Frank Zappa
Eleanor Roosevelt Quotes
Ambition is pitiless. Any merit that it cannot use it finds despicable. - Eleanor Roosevelt
Martin Luther Quotes
Everything that is done in the world is done by hope. - Martin Luther
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Quotes
Fame comes only when deserved, and then is as inevitable as destiny, for it is destiny. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Elizabeth Taylor Quotes
Big girls need big diamonds. - Elizabeth Taylor
Albert Camus Quotes
Alas, after a certain age every man is responsible for his face. - Albert Camus
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Quotes
However things may seem, no evil thing is success and no good thing is failure. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Frank Zappa Quotes
Music is always a commentary on society. - Frank Zappa
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Quotes
All things come round to him who will but wait. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Paul Newman Quotes
To be an actor you have to be a child. - Paul Newman
Malcolm X Quotes
Power in defense of freedom is greater than power in behalf of tyranny and oppression. - Malcolm X
Havelock Ellis Quotes
The by-product is sometimes more valuable than the product. - Havelock Ellis
Dr. Seuss Quotes
Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try! - Dr. Seuss
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