Ray Bradbury Quotes

Jump, and you will find out how to unfold your wings as you fall. - Ray Bradbury

Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes

When art dresses in worn-out material it is most easily recognized as art. - Friedrich Nietzsche

Isaac Asimov Quotes

It pays to be obvious, especially if you have a reputation for subtlety. - Isaac Asimov

Charles Lindbergh Quotes

Real freedom lies in wildness, not in civilization. - Charles Lindbergh

Dalai Lama Quotes

With realization of one's own potential and self-confidence in one's ability, one can build a better world. - Dalai Lama

Ray Bradbury Quotes

I'm not in control of my muse. My muse does all the work. - Ray Bradbury

Francis Bacon Quotes

In taking revenge, a man is but even with his enemy; but in passing it over, he is superior. - Francis Bacon

Benjamin Disraeli Quotes

We should never lose an occasion. Opportunity is more powerful even than conquerors and prophets. - Benjamin Disraeli

Samuel Beckett Quotes

We are not saints, but we have kept our appointment. How many people can boast as much? - Samuel Beckett

Mahatma Gandhi Quotes

I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means getting along with people. - Mahatma Gandhi

Benjamin Disraeli Quotes

The more extensive a man's knowledge of what has been done, the greater will be his power of knowing what to do. - Benjamin Disraeli

Ralph Waldo Emerson Quotes

Each age, it is found, must write its own books; or rather, each generation for the next succeeding. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Anne Frank Quotes

Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy. - Anne Frank

Emile M. Cioran Quotes

Speech and silence. We feel safer with a madman who talks than with one who cannot open his mouth. - Emile M. Cioran

Ray Bradbury Quotes

I think we're doing a dreadful job of educating. - Ray Bradbury

Albert Camus Quotes

It is normal to give away a little of one's life in order not to lose it all. - Albert Camus

Mark Twain Quotes

Man was made at the end of the week's work when God was tired. - Mark Twain

Epicurus Quotes

The art of living well and the art of dying well are one. - Epicurus

Andy Warhol Quotes

Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art. - Andy Warhol

Henry David Thoreau Quotes

The smallest seed of faith is better than the largest fruit of happiness. - Henry David Thoreau

Ray Bradbury Quotes

All of my writing is God-given. - Ray Bradbury

Sophocles Quotes

For those whose wit becomes the mother of villainy, those it educates to be evil in all things. - Sophocles

Mahatma Gandhi Quotes

There is a sufficiency in the world for man's need but not for man's greed. - Mahatma Gandhi

John D. Rockefeller Quotes

Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great. - John D. Rockefeller

Winston Churchill Quotes

We shall show mercy, but we shall not ask for it. - Winston Churchill

Arthur Conan Doyle Quotes

When a doctor does go wrong he is the first of criminals. He has nerve and he has knowledge. - Arthur Conan Doyle

Benjamin Franklin Quotes

The way to see by Faith is to shut the Eye of Reason. - Benjamin Franklin

Francis Bacon Quotes

Next to religion, let your care be to promote justice. - Francis Bacon

Albert Camus Quotes

Men must live and create. Live to the point of tears. - Albert Camus

Maya Angelou Quotes

While the rest of the world has been improving technology, Ghana has been improving the quality of man's humanity to man. - Maya Angelou

Simone Weil Quotes

Petroleum is a more likely cause of international conflict than wheat. - Simone Weil

Mae West Quotes

The best way to hold a man is in your arms. - Mae West